Monday, October 2, 2023

Why Is Runtime Broker Running In Windows 10?



Have you ever had that really annoying problem that Runtime Broker is constantly running scripts and using too much memory? Well, never fear, it’s happened to us all and here we will explain to you what it’s all about.

Runtime Broker is a Windows programme that initially started with Windows 8 and has now continued to Windows 10. It is linked to the security of your computer and therefore vital keeping viruses away. You can’t disable it and actually, you really wouldn’t want to as its purpose is to check the permissions of the apps you use as well as other key functions. 

For example, it makes sure that apps are asking permission when they access your photos. You wouldn’t want an app to just go ahead and delve in to all your personal files without you knowing about it. Just imagine the havoc that could be wreaked if apps could access everything whenever they wanted.

Sometimes though, Runtime Broker can run several scripts at the same time and this is where a problem may arise for you. It’s only doing its job but through running these scripts simultaneously, it is using up far more than its usual few megabytes. Indeed, it can start to use so much memory that it starts affecting your other programmes and computer capacity.

This indicates though, that you have faulty apps and therefore need to act. Runtime Broker doesn’t just suddenly decide to have a play around, it is actually a sign that you have a problem and it is trying to fix it. It could be blocking a harmful invasion into you and your family’s privacy.

Identifying which app is at fault and reinstalling it can help. You can also stop Runtime Broker by going into the Task List by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Esc and clicking on End Task. Here is a more detailed guide on how the programme works and other key facts.

Looking after the health of your computer has to be a top priority for everyone. Windows is looking after the apps you get through Window Sore but be mindful of the other ways viruses can get into your PC. Here are a list of some of the ways those harmful enemies will try to attack:

  • Don’t accept everything that pops up on your screen without reading it
  • Don’t open email attachments from people or organisations you don’t know
  • Be careful of corrupted discs you insert to run in your computer
  • If you’re downloading software from the internet, make sure it’s from a reliable source
  • Be careful which websites you visit as some can have malicious viral spyware
  • Don’t download pirate movies or music
  • Keep your antivirus software updated

In this day and age where the internet drives even the economy, there is no way to escape the threats as well as the perks. Our working lives are likely to go online more than ever so the key message is, look after your computer’s health as well as your own and you will benefit from everything this amazing resource has to offer without any of the problems. 

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