Monday, October 2, 2023

Is it cheaper to build or buy a gaming PC?

The task of building or buying a gaming PC is a subject of interest for many people around the world. It can also be...

Which Ryzen 3000 CPU Should You Buy?

The Ryzen 3000 series processors are here and they bring some serious improvements over the last generation in terms of performance, value, integrated graphics,...

Where to get Custom Cables for Your Mouse

We have noticed many people on platforms such as Google and Reddit searching for where to find the best custom mouse cables....

Where to buy Custom Cables for Your Keyboard

A custom keyboard is a great way to add a bit of aesthetic appeal for your setup. You can have your own case color,...

Why RAM Speeds Are Very Important

Your RAM’s frequency can make a huge difference when it comes to your PC's performance. For example, if you’re a gamer, going from a...

Is Liquid Cooling Worth it?

Liquid cooling, by definition, is the reduction of heat in mechanical and electronic devices by exploiting the properties of liquids. It’s a cooling method...

Why are Gaming Laptops so Expensive?

When it comes to gaming laptops, performance, portability, and price seldom see eye to eye. It’s difficult to find a product that excels in...
CPU Cores and Threads

CPU Cores vs Threads

CPU cores vs threads is a question that still gnaws at PC enthusiasts and amateurs. What’s more important for a good processor, core count...
RGB Mechanical Keyboard

Are Mechanical Keyboards Worth it?

When talking peripherals, mechanical keyboards seem to be a must for today’s gamer. PC hardware is already expensive enough as it is, so why...
CPU Clock Speed

How Does Clock Speed Affect CPU Performance?

When discussing CPUs, the clock speed (or clock rate) is often the first metric that is considered. This is because many have been led...