Sunday, October 1, 2023

Differences Between Wired and Wireless Gaming Mice



Since the conception of wireless mice in 1991, arguments have been inevitably raised regarding the benefits and drawbacks of wired versus wireless mice. Of course, the technology has significantly advanced since Logitech first announced the Cordless MouseMan. While proponents of wired mice vehemently deny it, the once-underwhelming wireless mouse has bounded to the forefront of relevance. No longer can it be dismissed as nothing more than an office peripheral. But, when it comes to the performance demanded by gamers and other professionals, what are the differences between wired and wireless gaming mice?

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Wireless mice have advanced so far that when comparing them to wired mice, the performance difference is usually negligible. It is a fact that wired mice generally have better connectivity and have higher CPI (counts per inch). However, for most gamers and professionals a CPI setting no greater than 3200 is considered the maximum threshold. Wireless mice today can deliver a CPI of 3200 or greater, meaning that CPI is negligible when discussing performance between the two types of mice. Additionally, the IPS (inches per second) and acceleration of wired mice compared to wireless mice are essentially identical. The technological advancements made, have allowed wireless mice to deliver similar performance to wired mice but at higher prices.


At first glance, wireless mice seem very convenient, with the elimination of a cord seeming an unparalleled luxury. Unfortunately, there is always a tradeoff. Lower end wireless mice require batteries, adding weight and the possibility of your mouse dying when you really need it. Additionally, more expensive wireless options usually require charging and often come with charging docks.

On the other hand, a wired mouse is simply that, a mouse and a wire. Although one may have to constantly battle with the cord during use, there is no need for charging or batteries making wired mice generally lighter. It then comes down to personal preference. Is getting rid of the wire worth the added bulk and weight? Or is simplicity and less maintenance worth the inconvenience of that cord?

Wired vs Wireless gaming mice video:

Pros and Cons

Performance between wired and wireless mice are negligible. However, you may have to pay more for an equivalent performing wireless mouse.

Wireless Mice:

  • Freedom to move without the restriction of cords
  • Are the future and will eventually replace wired mice
  • Higher end wireless mice come with charging docks
  • More expensive price to performance ratio, however, prices are decreasing every year
  • Need frequent charging or battery replacement
  • Slightly heavier

Wired Mice:

  • Cheaper price to performance ratio
  • Lighter
  • Slightly more reliable connection
  • No need to charge or replace batteries
  • Wire restricts movement
  • Wireless mice will eventually replace wired mice

Final Take

Whether you are a tech enthusiast, gamer, or just someone interested in a mouse, the decision between wired and wireless mice is no longer complicated. If you really dislike cords and don’t mine charging or replacing batteries on a regular basis, a wireless mouse is the way to go. If you prefer a lighter, cheaper mouse that does not require charging or the purchasing batteries on a regular basis, consider a wired mouse instead. Although the future is wireless mice, both wired and wireless mice currently offer ample advantages respectively.

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