Monday, October 2, 2023

Can I Learn Technology On Masterclass?



With the world turned upside down by recent global events, online learning is finally really coming into its own. People are realising that they don’t have to get up in the morning to get the bus or be stuck in rush hour traffic to get to a 9 o’clock class but rather, they can get up slowly, have a nice big breakfast and a coffee then start the day still wearing pyjamas!

There are courses available on almost every topic under the sun, from making cupcakes to studying philosophy. Innovations in online platforms have meant that it has never been easier to study the subject you love.

If you have a passion for technology, you may want to sign up to Masterclass. This platform offers an incredible variety of courses tailored to specific interests and led by experts and famous people in their respective fields.

There is a special category for Science and Technology and you can learn about Space exploration and Scientific Communication and Thinking through a series of expert lectures. Of course, this doesn’t cover all aspects of technology by any means. The term ‘technology’ now covers so many areas that it would be impossible to name them all.

Indeed, if you have a very niche technological interest, you may find it is not covered by Masterclass. For example, if you want to learn a specific computer language, Masterclass does not currently offer this in its portfolio. 

Having said that, the list of courses is growing by the day and what you had been wanting to learn may well be next on the list so it’s worth keeping an eye out. Indeed, whilst you’re browsing the Masterclass site, another topic completely unrelated to your initial interest may catch your eye and before you know it you are utterly enthralled in a completely different avenue to the one you thought would interest you.

If you want to keep up to date with what Masterclass offers and which courses are the best, go to this page. Here you will be able to gain insights into many of the Masterclass courses through the many quality reviews that they have.

If your itch for that subject you’re passionate about still hasn’t been scratched then do a more specific search. When considering which course to take, you will also need to think about what the end result will be. If you are simply following an interest, you may not need a professional qualification for your wall. However, if you are seeking a qualification for your professional development, make sure you take a course that will give you a qualification that employers recognise and want.

The idea of lifelong learning has grown over the years. Before, we all used to think that if we didn’t have a college degree by the age of 21 that our ship had well and truly sailed. Not anymore. There are people graduating from college now in their 80’s and others studying even in their 90’s! 

So why not consider doing a course? Learn something new and pursue those childhood dreams. Remember, it’s never too late!

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